Kids of all ages matter at CLUMC! From learning about the Bible in Sunday School to fun events like Back-to-School Bash, Eggstravaganza, Vacation Bible School, and more, there are plenty of ways for kids to learn about God’s amazing love and have some fun, too!
Our staffed Nursery is available for kids birth-age three. The Nursery can be found next to the Sanctuary Lobby, facing out to the church's main parking lot.
Sunday School consists of time of worship and song, thematic lessons around beloved Bible Stories, activities, and more! Check in your children in the Sanctuary lobby before worship.
Kids check in for Sunday School in the Sanctuary Lobby before the 9:30 service. They will be dismissed from the service with our wonderful team of volunteers, ready for a fun-filled time with your kids! To expedite your first time checking in, please fill out this form. Adults will be given a pick-up tag that they must show to pick up their child following worship.
Kids and leaders in Sunday School will spend time together as a whole group singing and dancing to our fun songs followed by an introduction to our weekly theme and a short video supporting our theme. At the end of worship, children will move into age-appropriate classrooms to dive into the weekly lesson.
Through reading Scripture, discussion, games, crafts, and plays, Sunday School participants will study the same stories in the Bible that their parents and guardians are learning about in worship. They will talk and learn about the Bible in ways that are accessible for their age (with some fun along the way, too!).
Through reading Scripture, discussion, games, crafts, and plays, Sunday School participants will study the same stories in the Bible that their parents and guardians are learning about in worship. They will talk and learn about the Bible in ways that are accessible for their age (with some fun along the way, too!).
Following worship ending, adults pick up their kids from Sunday School. Please note that that Sunday School participants will only be permitted to leave with adults who return the pick-up tag in order to keep everyone safe.
Bright Beginnings Early School is a weekday ministry of CLUMC, licensed by the Department of Children and Families. For over 30 years, we have offered a loving, play-rich learning environment for infants through age five.
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